Climate-neutral Hungary 2050


3 June 2021



The apropos of the Climate-neutral Hungary 2050 Conference is the first anniversary of the adoption of the Hungarian Act on Climate Protection which set the Hungarian climate neutrality goal for 2050. In addition, the National Clean Development Strategy, Hungary’s long-term climate strategy until 2050, is expected to be adopted in 2021. These documents provide the framework for Hungarian climate neutrality efforts, but we need to fill them with concrete ideas and steps.

The main target audience of the Conference is primarily the key economic and social stakeholders of a fair climate-neutral transition in Hungary, however, the one-day event aims to convey messages relevant to the widest possible audience.

Climate-neutral Hungary 2050


3 June 2021   Online


The Climate-neutral Hungary 2050 Conference set the following main goals:

  • strengthening the social, economic and political consensus on the 2050 climate neutrality target and maintaining the „momentum”,
  • discussing key issues of the just transition, 
  • „bringing together” actors, thinking together, 
  • contributing to the development of a framework for regular cooperation / dialogue.



The detailed program of the online conference on the Zoom platform, the priority areas and topics for achieving climate neutrality, and the speakers of the event will follow each other as follows. The language of the conference is Hungarian and English, simultaneous interpretation is provided throughout.

Opening Plenary


9:00 – 9:05

András Huszár

Director, Green Policy Center


9:05 – 9:15

Frances Way

Executive Director, High Level Climate Champions Senior Leadership Team, UK


9:15 – 9:25

Barbara Botos

Deputy Minister of State for Climate Policy, Ministry of Innovation and Technology


9:25 – 9:35

Erzsébet Schmuck

President, Committee on Sustainable Development of the Hungarian Parliament


9:35 – 9:45

Gábor Kerpel-Fronius

Deputy mayor, Budapest Municipality



9:45 - 10:00

Challenges and opportunities of climate neutrality

Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, Vice-Chair, IPCC III. Working Group


10:00 - 10:20

The road to climate neutrality

Csaba Kőrösi, Director, Directorate for Environmental Sustainability of the Office of the President


10:20 - 10:40

Climate change in Hungary – expected economic effects

Gábor Gyura, Head of Sustainable FInances Department, Hungarian National Bank

Panel discussions


10:45 - 11:45

Section 1.

A just transition: the social challenges on the road to climate neutrality

Description and panel participants:

A climate-neutral transition cannot take place “against” society. Particular attention must be paid to preparing for and addressing, as far as possible, those that inevitably arise during the transition – especially in the labor market – which cannot be prevented. One of the most exciting projects in Hungary today is the transformation of the Mátra Power Plant, which will affect the fate of thousands of jobs. At the same time, the so-called Fair Transition Plan has been completed for three counties in Hungary, which serves to ensure the above goals. The panel discussion will address the nature of these societal challenges and the responses that can be made to them.


  • Barbara Botos, Deputy Secretary of State, consortium leader, LIFE Mátra Integrated Project – „Roadmap for the safe, efficient and low-carbon transformation of Hungary’s last carbon region”
  • Dóra Fazekas, Director, Cambridge Econometrics Hungary
  • József Luzsi, National Vice-President for Rural Development, National Chamber of Agriculture
  • Ferenc Rabi, President, Trade Union of Mining, Energy and Industrial Workers

Moderator: Gábor Filippov, Research Director, Equilibrium Institute


10:45 - 11:45

Section 2.

The contribution of the economic sphere to climate neutrality

Description and panel participants:

The corporate sector has a key role to play in effectively implementing the mitigation and adaptation efforts under the Paris Convention, and it is responsible for promoting more sustainable use of resources and socially responsible, ethical investment, especially in the manufacturing sectors. In addition to severe economic burdens, the COVID-19 epidemic could also provide an opportunity to get the economy back on a greener path. Banks and the insurance sector can also be the engines of this, as not only can loss events change and become more frequent, but the risks of climate change also play a key role in investments and lending, which calls for a new, more holistic approach in the face of rising societal expectations. in the context of climate exposures. Proper preparedness, prevention, and encouragement of green technological developments can all be essential to improve resilience to climate change and accelerate emission reductions.


  • László Urbán, Deputy CEO, Hungarian Suzuki Zrt.
  • Attila Chikán Jr., Chairman, Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary
  • Radovan Jelasity, President, Hungarian Banking Association
  • Anett Pandurics, President, Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies

Moderator: Tibor Schaffhauser, Co-founder, Green Policy Center


12:00 - 13:00

Lunch break


13:00 - 14:15

Section 3.

Opportunities for regional cooperation in achieving a vision of climate neutrality

Description and panel participants:

Effective environmental policy commitments are essential to achieve climate neutrality goals. However, a significant proportion of these are not legally binding. Such commitments are more likely to promote more ambitious goals, but their achievements are not guaranteed by an actual mechanism. In contrast, legally binding instruments may run counter to the principle of subsidiarity and reduce the ambitious nature of the objectives, while providing greater assurance that promises will be kept. Achieving a balance between ambition and feasibility therefore proves to be a key issue in light of the climate crisis. In our discussion, we will address this dilemma, with particular reference to the Visegrad Four, who have an important role to play in advancing the region’s sustainability efforts. 


  • Stelios Grafakos, Principal Economist, Global Green Growth Institute
  • Aleksander Śniegocki, Head of the Energy, Climate and Environment Programme, Wise Europa
  • László Örlős, Executive Director, Western Balkans Green Center
  • Gabriela Fischerova, Climate action director general at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

Moderator: Lilla Bartuszek, Secretary General, V4SDG


13:00 - 14:15

Section 4.

Opportunities and responsibilities of the non-governmental sector in achieving climate neutrality

Description and panel participants:

When discussing taking action against the negative effects climate change, the question often arises: who has the responsibility to take concrete steps? The governments able to pass new legislation or maybe the corporations who produce the goods. From the corporations’ side we can also hear the argument just as often that consumers should be responsible for disposing their plastic bottles properly. The organisers believe that in order to achieve climate neutrality, all are responsible, however in this section the panellist will discuss what are the possibilities of the non-governmental sector to motivate society to take action, maybe even applying pressure on policymakers and corporations to take active action.


  • Ákos Éger, Executive Chairman, National Society of Conservationists
  • Katalin Sipos, Director, WWF Hungary
  • János Székely, County Bishop of Szombathely
  • Tamás Kodácsy, President, Ecological Church Movement of the Hungarian Reformed Church

Moderator:  Péter Vigh, Project Manager, Másfél Fok

Plenary session – Institutional framework for the transition to climate neutrality


14:30 - 14:50


Sharon Turner, Visiting Professor, University College London


14:50 - 15:45

Discussion panel

Description and panel participants:

Reaching climate neutrality by 2050 is not possible just by declaring a target. There needs to be a process for its delivery and an institutional framework to ensure that we are staying the course. Regular reporting and follow-up, sectoral targets and strategies, annual climate budgets are all possible institutional mechanisms.

Panel participants:

  • Sharon Turner, Visiting Professor, University College London
  • János Zlinszky, Associate Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Member of the Advisory Board, Equilibrium Institute
  • Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf, Program Manager, International and European Governance Programme, Ecologic Institute
  • András Huszár, Director, Green Policy Center

Moderator: István Bart, Senior Fellow, Equilibrium Institute

Closing remarks


15:45 - 16:00

Tamás Boros

Director, Equilibrium Institute


Attendance at the online conference is free, but registration is required. You can register by clicking the button below. 


Ákos Éger

Executive Chairman, National Society of Conservationists

Aleksander Śniegocki

Vezető közgazdász, Global Green Growth Institute

András Huszár

Co-founder & Director at the Green Policy Center

Anett Pandurics

President, Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies

Attila Chikán Jr.

Chairman, Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary

Barbara Botos

Deputy Minister of State for Climate Policy, Ministry of Innovation and Technology

Tamás Boros

Political analyst; director and co-founder of the Equilibrium Institute

Csaba Kőrösi

Director, Directorate for Environmental Sustainability of the Office of the President

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz

Vice-Chair, IPCC III. Working Group

Dóra Fazekas

Director, Cambridge Econometrics Hungary

Erzsébet Schmuck

Deputy faction leader, President of the Committee on Sustainable Development of the Hungarian Parliament

Ferenc Rabi

President, Trade Union of Mining, Energy and Industrial Workers

Frances Way

Executive Director, High Level Climate Champions Senior Leadership Team, UK

Gábor Filippov

Research Director, Equilibrium Institute

Gábor Gyura

Head of Sustainable FInances Department, Hungarian National Bank

Gabriela Fischerova

Climate action director general at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

István Bart

Climate policy expert; Senior Fellow of Equilibrium Institute

János Székely

County Bishop of Szombathely

János Zlinszky

Associate Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Member of the Advisory Board, Equilibrium Institute

József Luzsi

National Vice-President for Rural Development, National Chamber of Agriculture

Katalin Sipos

Director, WWF Hungary

Krisztina Bombera

Television journalist, lawyer

László Örlős

Executive director, Western Balkans Green Center

László István Urbán

Deputy CEO, Hungarian Suzuki Zrt.

Lilla Bartuszek

Secretary – General, V4SDG

Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf

Program Manager, International and European Governance Programme, Ecologic Institute

Péter Vigh

Project manager, Másfél Fok

Radován Jelasity

President-CEO of Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., President of the Hungarian Banking Association

Sharon Turner

Visiting Professor, University College London

Stelios Grafakos

Principal Economist, Global Green Growth Institute

Tamás Kodácsy

President, Ecological Church Movement of the Hungarian Reformed Church

Tibor Schaffhauser

Co-founder of the Green Policy Center, climate policy advisor

Gábor Kerpel-Fronius

Deputy Mayor for the Smart City and Participation of Budapest
